Warta Penelitian Perhubungan merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Sekretariat Badan Litbang Perhubungan. Kontributor Warta Penelitian Perhubungan berasal dari kalangan Peneliti dan Akademisi di bidang transportasi. Warta Penelitian Perhubungan memuat hasil penelitian, ide, dan gagasan dengan cakupan nasional dan global dengan lingkup sebagai berikut: 1) Transportasi Antarmoda; konektivitas, …
Jurnal Trasportasi Multimoda (ISSN: 1693-1742) adalah jurnal yang memuat publikasi yang berisikan hasil penelitian, kajian, review (hasil karyya asli) dan pemikiran ilmiah yang berfokus pada transportasi multimoda baik penumpang atau barang antarmoda, logistik, integrasi, konektivitas, berkelanjutan, dan kebijakan transportasi. Jurnal Tranportasi Multimoda bertujuan untuk menjadi platform pee…
Buku Hukum Transportasi Publik: Memperbarui Regulasi, Menerapkan Integrasi ini ditulis oleh para pengkaji transportasi publik di tiga kota: Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya. Tiga kota tersebut merupakan daerah yang mempunyai ketergantungan tinggi terhadap kendaraan pribadi sehingga menarik dan penting untuk ditelaah sebab-sebab dan kaitannya dengan transportasi publiknya. Buku ini memberikan…
Buku “Keselamatan Transportasi” merupakan panduan praktis yang dirancang untuk memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang konsep, praktik, dan inovasi terkini dalam menjaga keselamatan dalam sistem transportasi. Dikemas secara deskriptif dan mudah dipahami, buku ini ditujukan untuk berbagai kalangan pembaca, mulai dari pengemudi harian, mahasiswa teknik transportasi, hingga para profesional dalam …
Indonesia sebagai salah satu Negara terbesar di dunia merupakan Negara yang terdiri atas ribuan pulau dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dimana setiap pulau dipisahkan oleh perairan yang jaraknya relatif saling berjauhan dan tidak sama.
This report examines the opportunities to decouple growth in logistics activity from growth in GHG emissions, synthesizing existing evidence on potential GHG mitigation measures. It focuses on nonurban logistics. Urban logistics is covered in a companion report on decarbonizing urban transport. Chapters 2 to 5 cover the main types of interventions available to reduce GHG emission. Chapter 2 exa…
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Football has undergone a period of transformation over the last thirty years. Despite these global processes, different national leagues have adapted in different ways. After an initial period of success directly after Italia ’90, Italian football has gone thro…
This open access book presents research and evaluation results of the Austrian flagship project “Connecting Austria,” illustrating the wide range of research needs and questions that arise when semi-automated truck platooning is deployed in Austria. The work presented is introduced in the context of work in similar research areas around the world. This interdisciplinary research effort cons…
Inclusive education has been phased in in South Africa since 2001, but relies heavily upon adequate support services to support learners and teachers experiencing barriers to learning and development. This book focuses on the different levels of support provided in South African education – from School-based Support Teams to District-based Support Teams through to special and full-service sch…
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. How has globalization impacted on sports media? What are the economic ramifications? And what is the future of sports media? In order to answer these questions, this book investigates the constituents, dimensions and implications of the flows of media sport from …
Inclusive education has been phased in in South Africa since 2001, but relies heavily upon adequate support services to support learners and teachers experiencing barriers to learning and development. This book focuses on the different levels of support provided in South African education – from School-based Support Teams to District-based Support Teams through to special and full-service sch…
The aim of this book is to present a number of digital and technology solutions to real-world problems across transportation sectors and infrastructures. Nine chapters have been well prepared and organized with the core topics as follows: -A guideline to evaluate the energy efficiency of a vehicle -A guideline to design and evaluate an electric propulsion system -Potential opportunities for int…
This book investigates the social, political, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous sport and nation-building. Focusing on the Indigenous Sámi of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, it addresses how colonization variously impacts organizational arrangements and everyday sporting life in a modern world. Through detailed case data from the Norwegian side of Sápmi (the land of the Sámi), this …
Kementerian Perhubungan menerbitkan buku foto berjudul “Membangun Transportasi, Merajut Negeri” yang berisi foto-foto pembangunan infrastruktur yang telah dilakukan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan dan stakeholder terkait di sektor transportasi. “Melalui buku ini, kami berupaya untuk merekam apa yang telah menjadi sumbangsih insan perhubungan untuk merajut negeri yang terdiri dari 17 ribu …
“Agenda Kerja Raksasa”, itulah ungkapan yang pas untuk melukiskan ambisi Presiden Joko Widodo membangun infrastruktur di Tanah Air. Tujuannya, Indonesia mampu berlari menaiki tangga pembangunan dan modernitas, merajut era konektivitas, melancarkan aksesibilitas, meningkatkan ekonomi dan daya saing bangsa, serta memperkuat ketahanan nasional. Dalam mewujudkan agenda kerja raksasa itu, pemeri…
Pariwisata adalah sektor yang semakin penting bagi bangsa Indonesia. Potensinya luar biasa: kondisi alamnya, seni budayanya, kulinernya, produk-produk kreatifnya, dan hospitality manusianya. Dari tahun ke tahun sumbangan devisa sektor pariwisata terus meningkat, perannya terhadap produk domestik bruto secara nasional semakin signifikan. Selain menyumbang devisa kepada negara, pariwisata juga me…
In these powerful and stylishly written essays, Maria Manuel Lisboa dissects the work of Paula Rego, the Portuguese-born artist considered one of the greatest artists of modern times. Focusing primarily on Rego’s work since the 1980s, Lisboa explores the complex relationships between violence and nurturing, power and impotence, politics and the family that run through Rego’s art. Taking …
Football in Fiction represents the most comprehensive historical mapping and analysis of novels related to association football (soccer). It offers a theoretically informed field guide, a scholarly cartography of football fiction’s uncertain – and until now – only partially explored terrain. Combining an extensive search for texts with up-to-date academic research, journals, surveys, c…
First published in 1989. Understanding Leisure is a readable introductory analysis of the key elements in the study of leisure. This includes leisure concepts and dimensions of leisure, its activity forms, participants, provision, and leisure futures, leisure and social theory. A collaborative work of six authors, Understanding Leisure is a textbook which introduces the reader to the interrelat…
The story of global sport is the story of expansion from local development to globalized industry, from recreational to marketized activity. Alongside that, each sport has its own distinctive history, sub-cultures, practices and structures. This ambitious new volume offers state-of-the-art overviews of the development of every major sport or classification of sport, examining their history, …
Contemporary strength and conditioning coaching is, for the most part, informed by the exercise sciences, with little engagement being made with sociocultural and pedagogical perspectives which have emerged in sports coaching research over the last two decades. In Understanding Strength and Conditioning as Sport Coaching: Bridging the Biophysical, Pedagogical and Sociocultural Foundations of Pr…
Buku ini membahas dasar-dasar sistem transportasi nasional Indonesia. Terdiri dari 3 bagian utama yaitu komponen-komponen sistem transportasi nasional, instrumen-instrumen perumusan kebijakan transportasi, dan aspek-aspek geografis, sumber daya alam, dan demografi yang mempengaruhi perencanaan transportasi.
The first and most comprehensive analysis of the new Canadian Sport Policy adopted in 2012.
This book explores and critically assesses the challenges and experiences of LGBTQ people within sport in Europe. It presents cutting-edge research data and insights from across the continent, with a focus on sport policy, sport systems, and issues around anti-discrimination and inclusion. The book introduces the theoretical and methodological foundations of research into LGBTQ people in sport …
This open access book comparatively analyses intergenerational social mobility in immigrant families in Europe. It is based on qualitative in-depth research into several hundred biographies and professional trajectories of young people with an immigrant working-class background, who made it into high-prestige professions. The biographies were collected and analysed by a consortium of researcher…
As a green mode of transportation, railways have an important role to play in decarbonizing transport through shifting transport from more polluting modes of transport such as road and air. Railways can enable economic growth, which in turn generates increasing transport demand, while keeping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions low. However, in many parts of the world, railways have lost traffic and…
This report sheds light on public transport’s role in women’s access to economic opportunities in urban MENA. It examines the links among mobility, gender, and access to economic opportunities. It provides evidence of gender differences in mobility patterns and travel behavior, as well as the barriers and challenges women face when using public transport. It also assesses whether public tra…
This report aims to explore the extent to which the logistics decarbonization approaches in countries in Europe and North America—and to a lesser extent, China—need to be adapted to the needs, opportunities, and constraints of LMICs and supplemented by local initiatives. It takes a macro-logistics look at the subject viewing it mainly from the standpoint of countries or national governments…
The air transport sector is an integral part of economic growth and development. As the only available means of transporting passengers and goods across the globe within a single day, air transport provides critical connectivity between regions and better access to global markets. The creation of these benefits, however, leads to detrimental impacts on the environment and public health, includi…
Railways support green development. Governments in developing countries seek to provide transport infrastructure and services to enable inclusive economic development. Transport decarbonization is critical for mitigating climate change through near-term actions and long-term transitions. Railways have an important role in reducing transport emissions, while also supporting economic development …
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) used as a bunker fuel has the potential to offer important reductions in atmospheric pollution—that is, air pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - from ships. Compared to traditional oil-derived bunker fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO), LNG clearly emits significantly lower quantities of sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (…
The path to low-carbon urban transport looks fundamentally different in developed and developing countries. Most cities in developing countries have not yet developed their land use and transportation infrastructure around cars, leaving a window of opportunity to chart a new path to low-carbon, efficient and inclusive urban transport. While developed countries may focus on retrofitting existing…
"The Economics of Electric Vehicles for Passenger Transportation" provides answers to three critical questions: Why should developing countries pursue e-mobility? When does an accelerated transition to electric vehicles (EVs) make sense for developing countries? How can governments make this transition happen? A key finding from the research is that there is a strong economic case for EVs in ma…
This guide begins by establishing the minimum conditions that should be in place to consider a technology feasible. This will be done in chapter two, starting with the general local political context and analysis of the project’s planning, and moving on to more specific technical conditions for each technology regarding energy vector availability and standards and regulations to consider. Onc…
The purpose of the CPPI is to help identify opportunities to improve a terminal or a port that will ultimately benefit all public and private stakeholders. The CPPI is intended to serve as a benchmark for important stakeholders in the global economy, including national governments, port authorities and operators, development agencies, supranational organizations, various maritime interests, and…
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has upended lives and brought major disruption to economic activity across the world, precipitating an unprecedented global health and economic crisis. One of the key lessons learned early in the pandemic was the need to ensure business continuity of the critical supply lines, notably the maritime gateways, and the associated logistical chains. H…
The City of Shenzhen has China’s, and the world’s, first and largest fully electric bus and taxi fleets. Shenzhen. Electrification of public transport provides an opportunity to achieve multiple objectives of low-carbon urban development, reduction of local air pollution, creation of jobs, and higher acceptance of public transport by residents. However, owing to higher capital costs versus …
People living in cities have more mobility options than ever before. Making the most out of expanding travel choices for cities and their residents will require integration among different mobility services. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) can provide an organizing framework for integrating multiple mobility options and shaping how they can work together to provide a more seamless travel experienc…
This policy paper explores airline restructuring and regulatory reform challenges and opportunities in the Southern African region with particular focus on Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the air transport sector in the region faced multipronged challenges, including those related to economic regulation, profitability, safety, securi…
In the years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities and countries have taken action to position and promote active mobility—cycling and walking—as transport modes. Demand for active mobility during the pandemic skyrocketed, and cities and governments responded by making more space on streets, providing free access to bikeshare systems, and allocating budgets to bicycle purcha…
Inovasi teknologi pada Pendidikan Vokasi Kemaritiman untuk menciptakan SDM Pelaut Nasional Berdaya Saing Global
Identifikasi Hazard & Risk di Jalan adalah sebuah publikasi yang bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan mendalam mengenai berbagai bahaya (hazard) dan risiko yang ada di jalan raya, serta langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengidentifikasinya. Publikasi ini penting untuk para pengguna jalan, termasuk pengemudi, penumpang, pejalan kaki, serta pihak berwenang yang bertanggung jawab atas keselam…
"Langit Biru" adalah majalah yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia (STPI) yang berfokus pada dunia aviasi dan dirgantara. Majalah ini menyajikan berbagai informasi, artikel, dan liputan mendalam mengenai perkembangan teknologi penerbangan, kebijakan udara, dan berbagai aspek terkait industri dirgantara.
Majalah Transmedia merupakan media publikasi resmi milik Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia. Majalah Transmedia hadir sebagai media penambah wawasan yang bersifat komparatif positif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan transportasi / perhubungan, baik dalam skala nasional, regional, maupun internasional.
Majalah moda adalah media komunikasi dan sarana sambung rasa internal yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan. Majalah ini berfungsi sebagai jembatan informasi yang menghubungkan berbagai divisi dan unit kerja di lingkungan Kementerian Perhubungan
Football in Fiction represents the most comprehensive historical mapping and analysis of novels related to association football (soccer). It offers a theoretically informed field guide, a scholarly cartography of football fiction’s uncertain – and until now – only partially explored terrain. Combining an extensive search for texts with up-to-date academic research, journals, surveys, c…
In these powerful and stylishly written essays, Maria Manuel Lisboa dissects the work of Paula Rego, the Portuguese-born artist considered one of the greatest artists of modern times. Focusing primarily on Rego’s work since the 1980s, Lisboa explores the complex relationships between violence and nurturing, power and impotence, politics and the family that run through Rego’s art. Taking …
This book investigates the social, political, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous sport and nation-building. Focusing on the Indigenous Sámi of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, it addresses how colonization variously impacts organizational arrangements and everyday sporting life in a modern world. Through detailed case data from the Norwegian side of Sápmi (the land of the Sámi), this …
This book covers the latest in snow sport epidemiology, snow sport injuries and treatment, and biomechanical/mechanical engineering related to snow sports injuries (mechanisms of injury, injury prevention by equipment design, injury prevention by design of resort features, and more). It brings together a collection of papers from the International Congress on Ski Trauma and Safety (the biennal …