As a green mode of transportation, railways have an important role to play in decarbonizing transport through shifting transport from more polluting modes of transport such as road and air. Railways can enable economic growth, which in turn generates increasing transport demand, while keeping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions low. However, in many parts of the world, railways have lost traffic and…
Railways play an important role in the transportation systems of many developing countries. Railways stations are a key but often neglected part of this railway service. Many countries are considering railway station redevelopment to improve their rail service. They include many developing countries In this report, the term redevelopment refers to changes to existing stations (as opposed to new…
The purpose of the CPPI is to help identify opportunities to improve a terminal or a port that will ultimately benefit all public and private stakeholders. The CPPI is intended to serve as a benchmark for important stakeholders in the global economy, including national governments, port authorities and operators, development agencies, supranational organizations, various maritime interests, and…
In the years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities and countries have taken action to position and promote active mobility—cycling and walking—as transport modes. Demand for active mobility during the pandemic skyrocketed, and cities and governments responded by making more space on streets, providing free access to bikeshare systems, and allocating budgets to bicycle purcha…