Setiap orang membutuhkan gromming. Tua dan muda, Professional atau entrepreneur, pria maupun wanita. Karena itu, pengetahuan dan penerapan grooming menjadi penting bagi setiap orang untuk menggapai kesuksesan. Jika kesadaran ini menjadi kesadaran kolektif, maka bangsa indonesia akan mampu bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia, karena kita memiliki kualitas manusia yang andal.
Jeremy Bentham’s ideas on punishment are famous. Every criminology student learns about Bentham, and every criminologist contends with him, as advocate or opponent. This discourse concerns his ideas about punishment, namely with respect to legislation and the panopticon. Yet, scholars and students are generally ignorant of Bentham’s ideas on police. Hitherto, these ideas have been largely u…
Processes of post-war reconstruction, peacebuilding and reconciliation are partly about fostering stability and adaptive capacity across different social systems. Nevertheless, these processes have seldom been expressly discussed within a resilience framework. Similarly, although the goals of transitional justice – among them (re)establishing the rule of law, delivering justice and aiding rec…
Algorithms influence every facet of modern life: criminal justice, education, housing, entertainment, elections, social media, news feeds, work… the list goes on. Delegating important decisions to machines, however, gives rise to deep moral concerns about responsibility, transparency, freedom, fairness, and democracy. Algorithms and Autonomy connects these concerns to the core human value of …
Xochitl Marsilli-Vargas explains how psychoanalytic listening practices have expanded beyond the clinical setting to influence everyday social interactions in Buenos Aires.
While being rooted in the academic discourse, The Things That Really Matter comprehensively explores the most fundamental aspects of human life in an accessible, non-technical language, adding fresh perspectives and new arguments and considerations that are designed to stimulate further debate and, in some cases, a deliberate redirection of research interests in the respective areas. It feature…
Jeremy Bentham and Australia is a collection of scholarship inspired by Bentham’s writings on Australia. These writings are available for the first time in authoritative form in Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia, a volume in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham published by UCL Press. In the present collection, a distinguished group of authors reflect on Be…
Engaging With Everyday Sounds' is a rich and inspiring exploration of the role of sounds in everyday life, including their impact on human actions, emotions, and imagination. Marcel Cobussen intertwines sonic studies with philosophy, sound art, sociology and more to create an impressively lucid and innovative guide to sonic materialism, calling for a re-sensitization to our acoustic environment…
In this book, Jan Deckers addresses the most crucial question that people must deliberate in relation to how we should treat other animals: whether we should eat animal products. Many people object to the consumption of animal products from the conviction that it inflicts pain, suffering, and death upon animals. This book argues that a convincing ethical theory cannot be based on these importan…
"This book is for all those who are seeking a human perspective on economic and organizational processes. It lays the foundations for a value based approach to the economy. The key questions are: “What is important to you or your organization?” “What is this action or that organization good for?” The book is directed at the prevalence of instrumentalist thinking in the current economy a…
This open access volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing research on hope theory by combining insights from both its long history and its increasing multi-disciplinarity. In the first part, it recognizes the importance of the centuries-old reflection on hope by offering historical perspectives and tracing it back to ancient Greek philosophy. At the same time, it provides novel per…
This Open Access book brings together authoritative voices in animal and environmental ethics, who address the many different facets of changing human-animal relationships in the Anthropocene. As we are living in complex times, the issue of how to establish meaningful relationships with other animals under Anthropocene conditions needs to be approached from a multitude of angles. This book offe…
This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional theories and are often connected to ideals in organisations or ways of valuing. The various values-constructs are typically highlighted to underpin discussions of identity, et…
The phenomenon of commitment is a cornerstone of human social life. Commitments make individuals’ behavior predictable, thereby facilitating the planning and coordination of joint actions involving multiple agents. Moreover, commitments make people willing to rely upon each other, and thereby contribute to sustaining characteristically human social institutions such as jobs, money, government…
For over 80 years, the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) has been a leader in the promotion of ethical practice within the field of engineering. One of the Society’s greatest contributions is the formation and adoption of the NSPE Code of Ethics. But the code, with its six "Fundamental Canons," is only truly instructive if engineers can bridge the gap between principles and ac…
This open access book revises Kant’s ethical thought in one of its most notorious respects: its exclusion of animals from moral consideration. The book gives readers in animal ethics an accessible introduction to Kant’s views on our duties to others, and his view that we have only ‘indirect’ duties regarding animals. It then investigates how one would have to depart from Kant in order t…
Pancasila berasal dari kristalisasi budaya tradisional Indonesia. Di era Orde Baru, Pancasila ditetapkan sebagai dasar berpikir dan bertindak setelah disederhanakan ke dalam bentuk norma untuk mewujudkan tatanan masyarakat selaras, serasi, dan seimbang. Melalui penyederhanaan rumusan Pancasila dan pendidikan Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila (P4), secara nasional Pancasila dinyatakan…
This collection brings together leading anthropologists, historians, philosophers, and artificial-intelligence researchers to discuss the sciences and mathematics used in various Eastern, Western, and Indigenous societies, both ancient and contemporary. The authors analyze prevailing assumptions about these societies and propose more faithful, sensitive analyses of their ontological views about…
In this book, I bring recent philosophical work on the nature of rationality to bear on the question of how we should understand autonomy in contemporary bioethics. In doing so, I develop a new framework for thinking about the concept, one that is grounded in an understanding of the different roles that rational beliefs and rational desires have to play in personal autonomy. Furthermore, the ac…
What is soul? Can it be forfeited? Can it be traded away? If it can, what would ensue? What consequences would follow from loss of soul — for the individual, for society, for the earth? In the early nineteenth century, Goethe’s hero, Faust, became a defining archetype of modernity, a harbinger of the existential possibilities and moral complexities of the modern condition. But today the dir…
Why do people come to reject climate science or the safety and efficacy of vaccines, in defiance of the scientific consensus? A popular view explains bad beliefs like these as resulting from a range of biases that together ensure that human beings fall short of being genuinely rational animals. This book presents an alternative account. It argues that bad beliefs arise from genuinely rational p…
Berani Tidak Disukai memiliki judul asli "The Courage to be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happiness". Buku karangan Ichiro kishimi dan Fumitake Koga ini telah terjual sebanyak lebih dari 3,5 juta eksemplar. Buku ini laris di pasaran hingga diterjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa, salah satunya bahasa Indonesia. Berani Tidak Disukai merupakan buku yang berisika…
Orang mengira ketika Anda ingin mengubah hidup, Anda perlu memikirkan hal-hal besar. Namun pakar kebiasaan terkenal kelas dunia James Clear telah menemukan sebuah cara lain. Ia tahu bahwa perubahan nyata berasal dari efek gabungan ratusan keputusan kecil—dari mengerjakan dua push-up sehari, bangun lima menit lebih awal, sampai menahan sebentar hasrat untuk menelepon. Ia menyebut semua tadi at…
Temukan mengapa 90% kekhawatiran kita tidak akan menjadi kenyataan dalam panduan yang sangat praktis ini. Coba ingat ketika kita mengkhawatirkan sesuatu, tapi lalu menyadari betapa tidak pentingnya hal itu. Bukankah menakjubkan betapa kita merasa jauh lebih ringan? Kuncinya adalah berfokus hanya di sini dan saat ini. Dengan melakukannya, kita akan terbebas dari kecemasan yang tidak perlu dan pi…
Berbagai pertanyaan seperti: "Kenapa yang gue lakuin selalu salah?” “Apa gue dilahirin cuma untuk jadi orang yang gagal?” “Kenapa gue sering ngerasa cemas?” “Kenapa sih gue selalu butuh reassurance dari orang lain? Kenapa gue selalu butuh penerimaan dari orang lain?” “Kenapa kesedihan gue nggak pernah berakhir?” Atau, pikiran-pikiran seperti: “Kayaknya, gue nggak pu…
Buku ini membahas tiga periode dalam hidup kita: masa lalu, yang memendam banyak trauma masa depan, yang berisikan banyak ekspektasi masa sekarang, yang penuh kebingungan menjadi dewasa "Gue juga nggak mau punya trauma kayak gini. Gue juga nggak mau mental issue kayak gini. Gue juga nggak mau depresi kayak gini. Gue juga maunya happy terus. Gue juga maunya jadi orang sukses, financially s…
Kata introvert dan ekstrovert mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi untuk didengar di masa kini. Kedua kata itu merupakan kepribadian yang saling bertolak belakang, dimana seorang ekstrovert merupakan kepribadian yang senang bergaul dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Sedangkan, orang dengan kepribadian introvert lebih senang menghabiskan waktunya sendiri. Lalu, sebagai makhluk sosial, bagaimana se…
Paparan tentang kesuksesan dalam buku ini sangat mendasar dan langka. Lazimnya, buku-buku tentang kesuksesan lebih menawarkan sisi-sisi praktis. Namun, buku ini justru mengajak Anda menggarap inti masalah kesuksesan: pikiran. Tak hanya itu, buku ini mengontraskan dengan apik tokoh-tokoh dunia—di bidang musik, sastra, sains, olahraga, dan bisnis—yang berpola pikir tetap (fixed mindset) dan …
Lebih dari 2000 tahun lalu, sebuah mazhab filsafat menemukan akar masalah dan juga solusi dari banyak emosi negatif. Stoisisme, atau Filosofi Teras, adalah filsafat Yunani-Romawi kuno yang bisa membantu kita mengatasi emosi negatif dan menghasilkan mental yang tangguh dalam menghadapi naik-turun nya kehidupan. Jauh dari kesan filsafat sebagai topik berat dan mengawang-awang, Filosofi Teras j…
Sudah berusaha begitu keras, tetapi tak pernah dianggap. Segala-galanya sudah diberikan, tetapi tetap tak bernilai banyak bagi mereka. Perjuangan ini sungguh melelahkan. Apa yang salah? Apa lagi yang bisa dilakukan? Bila kamu masih terjebak dalam usaha untuk menyenangkan semua orang, kebahagiaanmu akan berkurang. Waktumu pun tidak akan cukup untuk melakukan semua usaha itu. Satu-satunya sara…
The Alpha Girl’s Guide juga berisi wawancara inspiratif dengan dua Alpha Female Indonesia dari dua generasi: Najwa Shihab dan Alanda Kariza Sinopsis Buku Alpha Female adalah para perempuan yang menginspirasi, memimpin, menggerakkan orang sekitarnya, dan membawa perubahan. Mereka cerdas, percaya diri, dan independen. Bagaimana remaja dan perempuan muda bisa mengembangkan diri menjadi mer…
This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional theories and are often connected to ideals in organisations or ways of valuing. The various values-constructs are typically highlighted to underpin discussions of identity, et…
How do we know what we know? In this stimulating and rigorous book, Mark McBride explores two sets of issues in contemporary epistemology: the problems that warrant transmission poses for the category of basic knowledge; and the status of conclusive reasons, sensitivity, and safety as conditions that are necessary for knowledge. To have basic knowledge is to know (have justification for) some …
Consciousness is widely perceived as one of the most fundamental, interesting and difficult problems of our time. However, we still know next to nothing about the relationship between consciousness and the brain and we can only speculate about the consciousness of animals and machines. Human and Machine Consciousness presents a new foundation for the scientific study of consciousness. It set…
Can computers be creative? Is algorithmic art just a form of Candy Crush? Cutting through the smoke and mirrors surrounding computation, robotics and artificial intelligence, Joanna Zylinska argues that, to understand the promise of AI for the creative fields, we must not confine ourselves solely to the realm of aesthetics. Instead, we need to address the role and position of the human in the c…
Can computers be creative? Is algorithmic art just a form of Candy Crush? Cutting through the smoke and mirrors surrounding computation, robotics and artificial intelligence, Joanna Zylinska argues that, to understand the promise of AI for the creative fields, we must not confine ourselves solely to the realm of aesthetics. Instead, we need to address the role and position of the human in the c…
Both sides of a sensitive problem are assessed by Professor Gellhorn in this penetrating analysis of national security and its effect upon scientific progress. The costs and advantages of secrecy in certain areas of science and the conflict between national safety and individual rights in the administration of our federal loyalty program are presented; all the arguments are objectively weighed.…
Kegagalan saat ini, mungkin saja menimbulkan rasa putus asa bagai takdir buruk yang menghantui. Namun dengan sikap yang tepat kita mampu mengubahnya menjadi "takdir baik".
stilah meme sekarang ini marak di masyarakat. Banyak pemahaman yang berbeda terkait meme sehingga memunculkan berbagai pertanyaan. Apa sebenarnya meme itu. Sekadar gambar lucu yang menyebar di internet. Berita yang disebar tanpa dicek kebenarannya, atau simbol untuk mendukung atau menolak sesuatu yang tiba-tiba dipakai semua orang. Meme adalah virus akal budi. Virus yang menular dari otak ke…
Suatu karya pada dasarnya tidak lahir dari ruang hampa. Buku ini merekam refleksi para akademisi di IAIN Surakarta. Bergerak dari latar keilmuan yang beragam, karya ini sengaja hadir dalam bentuk catatan ringan dengan bahasa ilmiah populer agar mudah dicerna publik. Isinya merentang mulai dari isu agama dan spiritualitas, pendidikan, isu kemanusiaan, ekonomi hingga psikologi. Buku dengan judul …