The Congress ""Arsenic in the Environment"" offers an international, multi- and interdisciplinary discussion platform for research and innovation aimed towards a holistic solution to the problem posed by the environmental toxin arsenic, with significant societal impact. The Congress has focused on cutting edge and breakthrough research in physical, chemical, toxicological, medical, agricultural…
This book offers a truly interdisciplinary exploration of our patterns of engagement with politics, news, and information in current high-choice information environments. Putting forth the notion that high-choice information environments may contribute to increasing misperceptions and knowledge resistance rather than greater public knowledge, the book offers insights into the processes that inf…
Videogames and Agency explores the trend in videogames and their marketing to offer a player higher volumes, or even more distinct kinds, of player freedom. The book offers a new conceptual framework that helps us understand how this freedom to act is discussed by designers, and how that in turn reflects in their design principles. What can we learn from existing theories around agency? How …
Komik adalah suatu bentuk karya seni yang menekankan kepada kesinambungan gambar dan tulisan dalam mengemukakan ide atau gagasan. Pengalaman artistik komikus ketika mencipta komik tidak hanya mendudukkan komik dalam bingkai seni rupa, namun lebih luas sebagai artefak kebudayaan. Buku Menimbang Sandhora: Telaah Komik Teguh Santosa menyajikan secara metodik sebuah kajian sosio-historis dengan pen…
stilah meme sekarang ini marak di masyarakat. Banyak pemahaman yang berbeda terkait meme sehingga memunculkan berbagai pertanyaan. Apa sebenarnya meme itu. Sekadar gambar lucu yang menyebar di internet. Berita yang disebar tanpa dicek kebenarannya, atau simbol untuk mendukung atau menolak sesuatu yang tiba-tiba dipakai semua orang. Meme adalah virus akal budi. Virus yang menular dari otak ke…