This open access book offers a timely snapshot of Augmented Reality (AR) technology, with an emphasis on its application within the mechanical and manufacturing engineering domains, for both educational and industrial purposes. Reporting on the experience of the authors, the book introduces readers to the principles of product design, with an emphasis on modern strategies and approaches for use…
This open access book offers a timely and comprehensive review of the field of neurotronics. Gathering cutting-edge contributions from neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, as well as physicists, microelectronics engineers and information scientists, it gives extensive information on fundamental information pathways in selected nervous systems. It also highlights their relevance as buildi…
This open access book presents technologies and methods of lightweight system design to support future low-emission aviation in achieving climate targets. It will be shown how reduction of weight and aerodynamic drag affects the energy consumption of commercial aircraft and what characterizes lightweight system design. Methods, design principles, production technologies and options for function…
This open access book addresses the current technical problems of low efficiency of emergency site information collection, lack of flexibility of emergency information interaction, lack of fusion analysis technology and disaster loss prediction model, and low intelligence of emergency auxiliary decision making. The content contains research on multiple information collection technology of power…
This book based on static indicators and dynamic big data from local electric vehicles, is the first New-Energy Vehicles (NEVs) research report on the Big Data in China. Using the real-time big data collected by China's National Monitoring and Management Platform for NEVs, this book delves into the main annual technological progress of NEVs, the vehicle operating characteristics, it also antici…
Siapa bilang uang sewa properti harus direlakan jadi modal mati? Kita bisa memiliki properti super strategis tanpa uang tanpa utang dengan memberi kebaikan 100% uang sewa kembali utuh! Buku ini akan membuktikan kepada kita bahwa dalam kebaikan terjadi pelipatgandaan itu sungguh nyata. Bukan hanya kita, tetapi semua pihak bisa menikmati manfaat luar biasa yang belum pernah diberikan oleh siapa p…
Budaya keselamatan lalu lintas dapat menggambarkan budaya buruk dan sadar berlalu lintas. Kebaikan dan keburukan dalam budaya keselamatan dalam kegiatan bertransportasi dapat dilakukan oleh orang-orang dewasa dan diturunkan secara sadar atau tidak sadar kepada anak-anaknya. Rencana Umum Nasional Keselamatan (RUNK) tahun 2020-2040 pada pilar ke-4 mempunyai target pengguna jalan yang berkeselamat…
Buku ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana keselamatan lalu lintas sebagai gerak kendaraan dan orang di ruang lalu lintas jalan. Pendidikan sejak dini mengenai pentingnya keselamatan di jalan merupakan cara untuk membentuk pola pikir dan karakter pada anak-anak dalam rangka membentuk persepsi dan paradigma masyarakat tentang keselamatan jalan. Pendidikan karakter dapat dijadikan acuan untuk membuat de…
Dalam penyusunan buku Uji Laik Fungsi Jalan Berkeselamatan dan Berkepastian Hukum ini, penulis harus mencermati dan mengikuti secara langsung pelaksanaan uji laik fungsi jalan nasional dengan mengadaptasi dan mengadopsi standar/ persyaratan teknis komponen dan subkomponen jalan di berbagai wilayah kerja BJN/ BBPJN di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga dan BPTD di lingkungan Direktorat Je…
Get all the information you need on the revolutionary vehicles that are gaining popularity in today's automotive industry. This easy-to-read book addresses the movement of technology towards new and upcoming electric vehicles, with a focus on the hybrids in use today and the fuel cell vehicles of tomorrow. Expansive coverage includes the political and social impact of these vehicles, as well as…