With a wealth of exciting data emerging in this rapidly evolving field this book will review the state-of-the-art knowledge with emphasis on multidisciplinary decision and management of head and neck cancer. The book provides significant detail on a wide range of topics including: the role of new targets for treatment, immunotherapy, resistance mechanisms, standardizing molecular profiling prog…
Over 98% of sprayed insecticidies and 95% of herbicides reach a destination other their target species, including non-target species, air, water, and soil. The extensive reliance on insecticide use reduce biodiversity, contributes of pollinator decline. destroy habitat, and threatens endangered species. This new textbook attempts to address various fundamental components of AW-IPM, e.g. the imp…
Consumers trust is a key factor in dealing with rising concerns about food safety and food quality, but only few studies have dealt with consumer attitudes and none of them has tried to model the process of consumer response. This book reports the main findings of an european project aimed at analysing trust along the food chain and its relationship with food risk communication. The papers coll…
This open access book reflects on matters of social and ethical concern raised in the daily practices of those working in and around precision oncology. Each chapter addresses the experiences, concerns and issues at stake for people who work in settings where precision oncology is practiced, enacted, imagined or discussed. It subsequently discusses and analyses bioethical dilemmas, scientific c…
This book is a roadmap of the exact health disparities that burden the health of South Texas residents, especially Hispanics, compared to the rest of Texas and nation. This type of knowledge has the potential to fuel and motivate researchers and public health leaders to create and shape interventions to reverse those health disparities. Most notably, focus on obesity and diabetes prevention eff…
Japan is quintessentially by geography a maritime country. Maritime surveillance capabilities – underwater, shore-based and airborne – are critical to its national defence posture. This book describes and assesses these capabilities, with particular respect to the underwater segment, about which there is little strategic analysis in publicly available literature. Since the end of the Col…
This open access book comprehensively consolidates studies in the rapidly emerging field of battery management. The primary focus is to overview the new and emerging data science technologies for full-lifespan management of Li-ion batteries, which are categorized into three groups, namely (i) battery manufacturing management, (ii) battery operation management, and (iii) battery reutilization ma…
Asap rokok pasif adalah sebuah permasalahan kesehatan global yang menyebabkan lebih dari 41.000 kematian di seluruh dunia per tahunnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh sejumlah penyakit mematikan yang dapat disebabkan oleh asap rokok pasif, antara lain penyakit jantung, kanker paru, serta stroke. Berbagai penelitian mengemukakan bahwa sedikit apapun paparan asap rokok, tetap dapat meningkatkan risiko p…
This open access book is designed as a continuation of the editor’s 2019 book Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals. This volume provides an in-depth analysis of industry sectors globally, and its purpose is to present emission reduction targets in 5-year steps (2025 to 2050) for the main twelve finance sectors per the Global Industry Classification System. This scientific analysis aims…
The history of early modern medicine often makes for depressing reading. It implies that people fell ill, took ineffective remedies, and died. This book seeks to rebalance and brighten our overall picture of early modern health by focusing on the neglected subject of recovery from illness in England, c.1580–1720. Drawing on an array of archival and printed materials, Misery to Mirth shows tha…
For centuries, people have talked of a powerful bodily disorder called migraine, which currently affects about a billion people around the world. Yet until now, the rich history of this condition has barely been told. In Migraine, award-winning historian Katherine Foxhall reveals the ideas and methods that ordinary people and medical professionals have used to describe, explain, and treat migra…
"Manipulating practices is the first ever collection of critical physiotherapy studies and comes at a time of unprecedented change in the profession. Written as a collaboration between 20 authors, many members of the Critical Physiotherapy Network (CPN), the book uncovers the growing body of critical thinking now emerging in physiotherapy. From topics as diverse as 21st century education, ethic…
This Special Issue addresses a topic of great relevance. In developed countries, there is a higher prevalence of people choosing to spend time indoors. Data show that the time a person spends at home ranges from 60% to 90% of the day, and 30% of that time is spent sleeping, though this varies depending on the individual. Taking into account these data, indoor residential environments have a dir…
Only fifty years ago, Tibetan medicine, now seen in China as a vibrant aspect of Tibetan culture, was considered a feudal vestige to be eliminated through government-led social transformation. Medicine and Memory in Tibet examines medical revivalism on the geographic and sociopolitical margins both of China and of Tibet’s medical establishment in Lhasa, exploring the work of medical practitio…
What are the current trends in housing? Is my planned project commercially viable? What should be my marketing and advertisement strategies? These are just some of the questions real estate agents, landlords and developers ask researchers to answer. But to find the answers, researchers are faced with a wide variety of methods that measure housing preferences and choices. To select and value a v…
This transdisciplinary volume investigates the ways in which people and organisations deal with the overflow of information, goods or choices. It explores two main themes: the emergence of overflows and the management of overflows, in the sense of either controlling or coping with them. Individual chapters show the management of overflows taking place in various social settings, periods and pol…
Peter Toon is the leading writer on primary care virtue ethics and this thought-provoking book builds on the thinking of philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre. A Flourishing Practice? looks at the moral problems that currently seem prevalent in health care. Common moral dilemmas highlighted by the media include threats to continuity of care, inappropriate care at the end of life, problems associated w…
The booming increase of the senior population has become a social phenomenon and a challenge to our societies, and technological advances have undoubtedly contributed to improve the lives of elderly citizens in numerous aspects. In current debates on technology, however, the »human factor« is often largely ignored. The ageing individual is rather seen as a malfunctioning machine whose deficie…
Industri kecil pengolahan pangan, khususnya pengolahan tahu, memanfaatkan air cukup banyak, namun juga menghasilkan limbah cair dan limbah padat sehingga mencemari lingkungan sekitar industri. Kajian terhadap peluang pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna ini dikaitkan dengan penerapan konsep produksi bersih di industri kecil pengolahan tahu, khususnya industri kecil pengolahan tahu di Subang dan Sum…
Nanoteknologi itu ilmu pengetahuan tentang benda yang sangat kecil, bahkan lebih kecil dari semut. Nanoteknologi sudah digunakan dalam berbagai teknologi kuno dan masih dipelajari sampai saat ini. Nanoteknologi juga sudah banyak kita gunakan, lho. Mulai dari plester, pembersih lantai, pupuk tanaman, vitamin, hingga bahan bangunan dan handphone. Dimasa depan, nanoteknologi akan semakin berkemban…
Tahukah kalian? Ada buah yang sudah turun-temurun digunakan untuk merawat batik-batik juga pusaka keraton. Buah itu bernama lerak. Wah, mengapa lerak ya? Bagaimana caranya? Mari kita berkenalan dengan Rarak! Rarak si buah lerak tahu jawabannya. Dalam cergam ini, Rarak juga akan bercerita tentang pohon lerak, lho! Adakah manfaat lainnya? Yuk, kita baca!
Klara hendak melihat pohon di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan bersama Bunda. Namun, rencana Klara gagal. Bunda mendadak harus berangkat dinas ke Singapura. Padahal Klara ingin sekali melihat pohon. Akhirnya Klara ikut Ayah ke Ternate. Awalnya Klara enggan berangkat. Di Ternate, Klara bertemu Vendo, seorang anak pemandu wisata lokal. Bersama Vendo, ternyata Klara malah mengalami petualangan seru di kak…
Batubara merupakan salah satu sumber energi potensial yang dapat menggantikan minyak dan gas bumi di masa depan. Dengan makin menipisnya kondisi cadangan minyak dan gas bumi Indonesia, diversifikasi dalam pemanfaatan energi perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius. Terkait hal tersebut, buku ini memperkenalkan metode baru penyediaan energi dari batubara tanpa melakukan penambangan terbuka, tetapi m…
This open-access-book synthesizes a supportive developer checklist considering sustainable Team and agile Project Management in the challenge of Artificial Intelligence and limits of image recognition. The study bases on technical, ethical, and legal requirements with examples concerning autonomous vehicles. As the first of its kind, it analyzes all reported car accidents state wide (1.28 milli…
Buku Perancangan Geometrik Jalan merupakan buku penunjang perkuliahan dan praktik mahasiswa program diploma (D-III), sarjana terapan (D-IV), maupun sarjana (S-1) bidang ilmu teknik sipil guna melengkapi khazanah sumber pembelajaran pada bidang ilmu teknik sipil di kalangan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Materi perancangan geometrik jalan merupakan muatan wajib bagi mahasiswa jenjang diploma mau…
Buku Kelistrikan Bodi Otomotif ini mengacu pada konsep pendekatan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi di Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta. Sesuai perkembangan paradigma yang selalu terjadi. Diharapkan peserta didik dapat belajar secara mandiri dan dinamis sesuai dengan kecepatan belajar masing-masing peserta didik untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Buku ini terdiri dari enam bab, masing-masin…
The third edition of Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems concentrates on core technologies to provide the essential information required to understand how different vehicle systems work. It gives a complete overview of the components and workings of a vehicle from the engine through to the chassis and electronics. It also explains the necessary tools and equipment needed in effective c…
Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa bab. Bab pertama membahas tentang dasar kelistrikan, bab dua tentang komponen elektronika, bab tiga tentang konsep dasar rangkaian elektronika, dan bab empat tentang menggambar teknik elektronika menggunakan komputer. Adapaun bab lima tentang alat ukur listrik, bab enam tentang pengujian komponen elektronika dengan multimeter, dan yang terakhir adalah bab tujuh…
Dalam buku ini dijelaskan mengenai komponen-komponen sepeda motor, bagaimana cara kerja sepeda motor, sistem kelistrikan sepeda motor dan cara memperbaikinya bila ada salah satu komponen yang rusak. Belajar teknik sepeda motor akan lebih mudah dengan buku ini karena dilengkapi dengan soal-soal uji kompetensi. Soal-soal ini akan menguji kemampuan dalam memahami teknik sepeda motor. Kunci jawaban…
International shipping accounts for nearly three percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. If no further action is taken, these emissions are set to grow significantly. Apart from reducing emissions, there is a strong call for shipping’s decarbonization to be equitable. In this light, the International Maritime Organization is considering a price on carbon. This could raise $40 to $60 b…
This report aims to explore the extent to which the logistics decarbonization approaches in countries in Europe and North America—and to a lesser extent, China—need to be adapted to the needs, opportunities, and constraints of LMICs and supplemented by local initiatives. It takes a macro-logistics look at the subject viewing it mainly from the standpoint of countries or national governments…
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) used as a bunker fuel has the potential to offer important reductions in atmospheric pollution—that is, air pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - from ships. Compared to traditional oil-derived bunker fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO), LNG clearly emits significantly lower quantities of sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (…
Across the maritime industry, there is general agreement that shipping must undergo a rapid energy transition. This implies a shift from fossil bunker fuels, such as the predominant heavy fuel oil (HFO), to a new generation of alternative bunker fuels. These alternative fuels are known to produce very low, and ultimately zero, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during their production, distribution…
Buku ini menyajikan pengetahuan terkait teknologi yang baik sadar maupun tidak sadar sering kita jumpai saat berkendara, yaitu teknologi sensor otomotif. Terkadang, karena kurangnya rasa ingin tahu kita atau rasa nyaman sebagai end-user pasif, sensor otomotif menjadi hal yang awam bagi para pengendara. Pada era modern saat ini, sebuah kendaraan sangat erat berkaitan dengan sensor-sensor, bahkan…
Sistem pengisian merupakan bagian dari sistem kelistrikan kendaraan khususnya mobil, dan sistem pengisian ini memenuhi kebutuhan kelistrikan kendaraan. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, pada kendaraan, alat yang digunakan untuk menyimpan daya bernama baterai atau akumulator. Karena aki berfungsi untuk mentenagai kendaraan, apa jadinya jika aki habis? Apakah baterai harus diganti setiap kali habis? …
Keamanan dan kenyamanan adalah menu utama yang harus disajikan dalam kendaraan. Keduanya dapat mempermudah serta menjamin keselamatan pengemudi dan penumpang. Melalui buku Teknologi Kenyamanan Kendaraan ini, Anda akan menemukan berbagai ragam teknologi otomotif terkini lainnya, mengingat teknologi yang dipasang pada otomotif terkini mencakup safety (keamanan), performa, dan comfortable (kenyama…
Setiap melakukan pekerjaan di bengkel,memiliki resiko kecelakaan atau bahaya lainnya.Selain menimpa pada mekanik itu sendiri,bisa saja bahaya itu berimbas pada pihak lain atau pun bengkel itu sendiri.Semua itu dapat dihindari dengan upaya-upaya tertentu.Satu hal yang utama adalah bagaimana menggunakan peralatan-peralatan dalam pekerjaan otomotif tersebut sehingga sesuai dengan standar ope…
Perkembangan teknologi otomotif yang begitu pesat merupakan dorongan sekaligus tantangan bagi masyarakat penggemar otomotif, mahasiswa, para pemakai serta peneliti di bidang otomotif. Buku ini mengungkap secara komprehensif komponen-komponen utama yang meliputi konsep analisa dan perkembangan teknologinya, dinamika dan stabilitas arah kendaraan meliputi hingga analisa tentang kecelakaan dari ke…
Kegiatan membaca buku merupakan salah satu kegiatan paling bermanfaat untuk melatih otak dalam berpikir kritis dan menambah ilmu pengetahuan terkait buku yang sedang dibaca. Tidak hanya itu saja, buku mampu menjadikan pembaca semakin teliti dan cerdas dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari. Buku yang paling diminati oleh kalangan pembaca saat ini adalah buku tentang pengembangan diri atau sering…
For centuries, people have talked of a powerful bodily disorder called migraine, which currently affects about a billion people around the world. Yet until now, the rich history of this condition has barely been told. In Migraine, award-winning historian Katherine Foxhall reveals the ideas and methods that ordinary people and medical professionals have used to describe, explain, and treat migra…
The history of early modern medicine often makes for depressing reading. It implies that people fell ill, took ineffective remedies, and died. This book seeks to rebalance and brighten our overall picture of early modern health by focusing on the neglected subject of recovery from illness in England, c.1580–1720. Drawing on an array of archival and printed materials, Misery to Mirth shows tha…
Asap rokok pasif adalah sebuah permasalahan kesehatan global yang menyebabkan lebih dari 41.000 kematian di seluruh dunia per tahunnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh sejumlah penyakit mematikan yang dapat disebabkan oleh asap rokok pasif, antara lain penyakit jantung, kanker paru, serta stroke. Berbagai penelitian mengemukakan bahwa sedikit apapun paparan asap rokok, tetap dapat meningkatkan risiko p…
This open access book is designed as a continuation of the editor’s 2019 book Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals. This volume provides an in-depth analysis of industry sectors globally, and its purpose is to present emission reduction targets in 5-year steps (2025 to 2050) for the main twelve finance sectors per the Global Industry Classification System. This scientific analysis aims…
Vor dem Hintergrund der demographischen Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft nimmt der Open-Access-Sammelband die Wohnsituation älterer Menschen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der gesundheitlichen Situation in den Blick. Lebensqualität, Wohlbefinden, Teilhabe sowie Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung älterer Menschen stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.
This open access book focuses on investigating predicting precursor information and key points of rockburst in mining engineering through laboratory experiment, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and case studies. Understanding the evolution patterns for the microstructure instability of rock is a prerequisite for rockburst prediction. The book provides a guide for readers seeking to un…
This open access book examines key aspects of international cooperation to enhance nuclear safety, security, safeguards, and nonproliferation, thereby assisting in development and maintenance of the verification regime and fostering progress toward a nuclear weapon-free world. Current challenges are discussed and attempts made to identify possible solutions and future improvements, considering …
This open access book addresses several questions regarding the implementation of human and organisational factors (HOF) so that recent improvements in industrial safety can be built upon. It addresses sources of frustration in senior management with high expectations of operational recommendations and disquiet on the part of HOF specialists struggling to have an impact on high-level decision m…