In this comprehensive open access book, written for readers from any or no religious background, Leena El-Ali does something remarkable. Never before has anyone taken on every last claim relating to Islam and women and countered it not just with Qur’anic evidence to the contrary, but with easy-to-use tools available to all. How can a woman’s testimony be worth half of a man’s? How can men…
Nothing lasts forever. This common experience is the source of much anxiety but also hope. The concept of impermanence or continuous change opens up a range of timely questions and discussions that speak to globally shared experiences of transformation and concerns for the future. Impermanence engages with an emergent body of social theory emphasizing flux and transformation, and brings this in…
In this open-access monograph, Paul Weller explores how the movement known as Hizmet (meaning “service”) is undergoing a period of transitions in Europe. Inspired by the teaching and practice of the Turkish Islamic scholar, Fethullah Gülen, Hizmet has been active in Europe (and other continents) for several decades. It has always been subject to some degree of contestation, which has inten…
Why are historically Catholic countries and regions generally more corrupt and less competitive than historically Protestant ones? How has institutionalization of religion influenced the prosperity of countries in Europe and the Americas? This open access book addresses these critical questions by elucidating the hegemonic and emancipatory religious factors leading to these dissimilarities b…
This book is a translation of a text based on my doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology in 2010 under the title Kindai Nihon no shūkyō gensetsu to sono keifu: Shūkyō, kokka, shintō (The Genealogy of Religious Discourse in Modern Japan: Religion, State, Shintō); some revi-sions have been added.…
The concept of subordination plays a prominent role in the paranesis of 1 Peter, and it appears too in the context of Christ’s victory over the cosmic powers. It seems to presuppose some kind of given natural and social order in which people must live in their allotted place. But the author also sees his readers’ subordination as conditioned by their status as free people, which he expounds…
The introduction to this volume describes the contribution that it makes to scholarship on ancient divinatory practices. It analyses previous and current research, arguing that while this predominantly functionalist work reveals important socio-political dimensions of divination, it also runs the risk of obscuring from view the very people, ideologies, and experiences that scholars seek to unde…
This book covers the missionary activity in Australia conducted by non-English speaking missionaries from Catholic and Protestant mission societies from its beginnings to the end of the mission era. It looks through the eyes of the missionaries and their helpers, as well as incorporating Indigenous perspectives and offering a balanced assessment of missionary endeavour in Australia, attuned to …
The reality of a radically changing world is beyond dispute. The notion of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a heuristic key for the world of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, big data, the internet of things, and biotechnology. The discussion of emerging technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution highlights urgent questions about…
This open access book introduces research on migration and religion with the focus on migration to western European countries from the 1950s and onwards. The book is an in-depth presentation of the main research trends as to methods, theories and empirical zones on migration and religion. In a unique way, the book brings together research about the topic aligning it with the experiences and urg…
This book attempts to equip the reader with a holistic and accessible account of Islam and evolution. It guides the reader through the different variables that have played a part in the ongoing dialogue between Muslim creationists and evolutionists. This work views the discussion through the lens of al-Ghazālī (1058-1111), a widely-known and well-respected Islamic intellectual from the mediev…
The spirituality of Black Hebrew Pentecostalism is a rich tradition that has been hidden from the view of scholars. With the new interest in spirituality forming the background to this title, the author attempts to enlighten readers about this tradition.
Buku Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) untuk Perguruan Tinggi ini disusun secara sistematis dan ditujukan khusus untuk mahasiswa/mahasiswi tingkat perguruan tinggi agar memudahkan mereka belajar agama Islam secara efektif dan efisien. Buku ini mengajak para generasi muda agar bisa menyinergikan ilmu dan agama dalam suatu keharmonisan sehingga mampu membuka cakrawala mereka agar menjadi generasi mud…
This book attempts to equip the reader with a holistic and accessible account of Islam and evolution. It guides the reader through the different variables that have played a part in the ongoing dialogue between Muslim creationists and evolutionists. This work views the discussion through the lens of al-Ghazālī (1058-1111), a widely-known and well-respected Islamic intellectual from the mediev…
Dosa Lisan yang Setara Dosa Tertinggi Riba _*"Riba yang paling buruk adalah menjelek-jelekkan kehormatan saudaranya sesama muslim."*_ _*(HR. Ath-Thabrani)*_ Melihat aib atau keburukan orang lain adalah ujian. Namun justru begitu banyak orang yang mudah tergelincir untuk menikmati dan menyebarkannya sebagai bahan obrolan, menjatuhkan kehormatan, tanpa peduli besarnya azab yang d…
Artikel-artikel di dalam buku ini mencoba memotret bagaimana masyarakat muslim desa maupun kota dalam berinteraksi dengan masjid. Apa yang senyata terjadi dan bagaimana semestinya peran masjid dalam masyarakat diramu dalam memori kolektif orang-orang yang secara intim berhubungan dengan masjid. Bagaimana masjid berperan penting dalam kehidupan dan menjadi lokus bagi perkembangan wacana keislama…
Bacalah surat al-Waaqi'ah, amalkan salah satu surat istimewa dalam al-Qur'an ini. Begitu banyak keajaiban dan kemukjizatan yang dikandung surat al-Waaqi'ah ini, yang tak banyak di antara muslim/muslimah yang mengetahuinya dengan baik. Dalam sebuah hadits, Rasulullah Saw. pernah bersabda: "Barang siapa membaca surat al-Waaqi'ah setiap malam, ia tidak akan mengalami kefakiran (kemiskinan). Hadits…
Sejarah telah membuktikan bahwa Islam memang agama yang hanif (lurus), yang membawa umatnya kepada jalan lurus dan mengantarkannya kepada kegemilangan. Di dalam buku ini dijelaskan keutamaan umat Islam sebagai khairu ummah (umat yang terbaik). Dibahas pula mengapa terjadi kemunduran dalam peradaban Islam serta solusi membangkitkan peradaban Islam yang gemilang kembali.
Nalar modern telah menimbulkan persoalan-persoalan serius di samping tentu saja berbagai kemajuan yang diraihnya terutama dari sudut pandang teologis, sehingga mengislamkan nya memang perlu dilakukan. Saat modernitas yang bernuansakan positivistik dan materialistik telah menjadi segala-segalanya, dan saat keterputusannya dengan yang ilahi telah menjadi biang dari segala macam krisis kehidupan,…