The Alpha Girl’s Guide juga berisi wawancara inspiratif dengan dua Alpha Female Indonesia dari dua generasi: Najwa Shihab dan Alanda Kariza Sinopsis Buku Alpha Female adalah para perempuan yang menginspirasi, memimpin, menggerakkan orang sekitarnya, dan membawa perubahan. Mereka cerdas, percaya diri, dan independen. Bagaimana remaja dan perempuan muda bisa mengembangkan diri menjadi mer…
This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional theories and are often connected to ideals in organisations or ways of valuing. The various values-constructs are typically highlighted to underpin discussions of identity, et…
How do we know what we know? In this stimulating and rigorous book, Mark McBride explores two sets of issues in contemporary epistemology: the problems that warrant transmission poses for the category of basic knowledge; and the status of conclusive reasons, sensitivity, and safety as conditions that are necessary for knowledge. To have basic knowledge is to know (have justification for) some …
Consciousness is widely perceived as one of the most fundamental, interesting and difficult problems of our time. However, we still know next to nothing about the relationship between consciousness and the brain and we can only speculate about the consciousness of animals and machines. Human and Machine Consciousness presents a new foundation for the scientific study of consciousness. It set…
Can computers be creative? Is algorithmic art just a form of Candy Crush? Cutting through the smoke and mirrors surrounding computation, robotics and artificial intelligence, Joanna Zylinska argues that, to understand the promise of AI for the creative fields, we must not confine ourselves solely to the realm of aesthetics. Instead, we need to address the role and position of the human in the c…
Can computers be creative? Is algorithmic art just a form of Candy Crush? Cutting through the smoke and mirrors surrounding computation, robotics and artificial intelligence, Joanna Zylinska argues that, to understand the promise of AI for the creative fields, we must not confine ourselves solely to the realm of aesthetics. Instead, we need to address the role and position of the human in the c…
Both sides of a sensitive problem are assessed by Professor Gellhorn in this penetrating analysis of national security and its effect upon scientific progress. The costs and advantages of secrecy in certain areas of science and the conflict between national safety and individual rights in the administration of our federal loyalty program are presented; all the arguments are objectively weighed.…
Kegagalan saat ini, mungkin saja menimbulkan rasa putus asa bagai takdir buruk yang menghantui. Namun dengan sikap yang tepat kita mampu mengubahnya menjadi "takdir baik".
stilah meme sekarang ini marak di masyarakat. Banyak pemahaman yang berbeda terkait meme sehingga memunculkan berbagai pertanyaan. Apa sebenarnya meme itu. Sekadar gambar lucu yang menyebar di internet. Berita yang disebar tanpa dicek kebenarannya, atau simbol untuk mendukung atau menolak sesuatu yang tiba-tiba dipakai semua orang. Meme adalah virus akal budi. Virus yang menular dari otak ke…
Suatu karya pada dasarnya tidak lahir dari ruang hampa. Buku ini merekam refleksi para akademisi di IAIN Surakarta. Bergerak dari latar keilmuan yang beragam, karya ini sengaja hadir dalam bentuk catatan ringan dengan bahasa ilmiah populer agar mudah dicerna publik. Isinya merentang mulai dari isu agama dan spiritualitas, pendidikan, isu kemanusiaan, ekonomi hingga psikologi. Buku dengan judul …