This open access book is the result of an expert panel convened by the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability and Nature Sustainability. The panel tackled the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 head-on, with respect to the global systems that produce and distribute food. The panel’s rigorous synthesis and analysis of existing research leads compellingly to multiple…
Inclusive education has been phased in in South Africa since 2001, but relies heavily upon adequate support services to support learners and teachers experiencing barriers to learning and development. This book focuses on the different levels of support provided in South African education – from School-based Support Teams to District-based Support Teams through to special and full-service sch…
Inclusive education has been phased in in South Africa since 2001, but relies heavily upon adequate support services to support learners and teachers experiencing barriers to learning and development. This book focuses on the different levels of support provided in South African education – from School-based Support Teams to District-based Support Teams through to special and full-service sch…
The main purpose of this book is to focus on the computational complexity theory of lattice ciphers, especially the reduction principle of Ajtai, in order to fill the gap that post-quantum ciphers focus on the implementation of encryption and decryption algorithms, but the theoretical proof is insufficient. In Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 6, author introduces the theory and technology of LW…
Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Darat berisi hasil penelitian dan kajian yang berkaitan dengan transportasi darat meliputi moda Transportasi Jalan dan Kereta Api. Transportasi Jalan meliputi : pelayanan angkutan jalan, keselamatan angkutan jalan, kendaraan bermotor, kendaraan tidak bermotor, kendaraan berbahan bakar listrik, kendaraan berbahan bakar gas, terminal, pengujian kendaraan bermotor…
This in-depth survey of salutogenesis shows the breadth and strengths of this innovative perspective on health promotion, health care, and wellness. Background and historical chapters trace the development of the salutogenic model of health, and flesh out the central concepts, most notably generalized resistance resources and the sense of coherence, that differentiate it from pathogenesis. From…
This open access book presents established methods of structural health monitoring (SHM) and discusses their technological merit in the current aerospace environment. While the aerospace industry aims for weight reduction to improve fuel efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and to decrease maintenance time and operating costs, aircraft structures are often designed and built heavier than re…
Bambu dapat tumbuh di banyak tempat dan dikenal sebagai tumbuhan serba guna yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Meskipun demikian, tidak mudah bagi pengguna, khususnya para perajin dan industriawan, untuk membedakan jenis-jenis bambu karena di Indonesia terdapat lebih dari 160 jenis bambu. Di sisi lain, buku panduan tentang pengenalan jenis bambu Indonesia juga dirasa kurang. O…
Kemerdekaan yang diraih pada tahun 1945 memberikan harapan yang sangat besar bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Mimpi untuk menjadi penduduk sebuah negara yang berdaulat pun terwujud, terlepas dari cengkeraman penjajah. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan dinamika politik-keamanan yang terjadi di tanah air, baik itu rongrongan konflik internal, gerakan separatisme maupun kembalinya kekuatan asing. Buku…
"This book focuses on the study of the remarkable new source of geographic information that has become available in the form of user-generated content accessible over the Internet through mobile and Web applications. The exploitation, integration and application of these sources, termed volunteered geographic information (VGI) or crowdsourced geographic information (CGI), offer scientists an un…
This open access edited book brings together new research on the mechanisms by which maternal and reproductive health policies are formed and implemented in diverse locales around the world, from global policy spaces to sites of practice. The authors – both internationally respected anthropologists and new voices – demonstrate the value of ethnography and the utility of reproduction as a l…
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) used as a bunker fuel has the potential to offer important reductions in atmospheric pollution—that is, air pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - from ships. Compared to traditional oil-derived bunker fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO), LNG clearly emits significantly lower quantities of sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (…
Across the maritime industry, there is general agreement that shipping must undergo a rapid energy transition. This implies a shift from fossil bunker fuels, such as the predominant heavy fuel oil (HFO), to a new generation of alternative bunker fuels. These alternative fuels are known to produce very low, and ultimately zero, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during their production, distribution…
City logistics terdiri atas dua kata, city dan logistics. Logistics berasal dari bahasa Latin logisticus yang berarti ilmu komputasi dan kalkulasi. Pada zaman dahulu istilah ini lebih banyak berhubungan dengan seni pergerakan tentara dan suplai makanan serta senjata di medan perang. Sekarang, logistik telah memiliki makna lebih luas dan digunakan dalam bidang bisnis untuk pergerakan bahan menta…
This book is a compilation of selected papers from the 10th PIANC Smart Rivers Conference (Smart Rivers 2022). The work focuses on novel techniques for inland waterways and navigation structures. The contents make valuable contributions to academic researchers, engineers in the industry, and regulators of aviation authorities. As well, readers will encounter new ideas for realizing Green Waterw…
This open access book is a compilation of selected papers from the 9th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2022). The work focuses on novel research findings on seismic technology of civil engineering structures, High-tech construction materials, digitalization of civil engineering, urban underground space development. The contents make valuable contributions to academic research…
This open access book addresses the current technical problems of low efficiency of emergency site information collection, lack of flexibility of emergency information interaction, lack of fusion analysis technology and disaster loss prediction model, and low intelligence of emergency auxiliary decision making. The content contains research on multiple information collection technology of power…
Cindy tak pernah bahagia dalam hidupnya. Ia selalu merasa kesialan yang menimpa keluarganya disebabkan oleh keluarga sepupunya, Tatiana dan Tecla. Ia bahkan harus bekerja jadi bawahan ayah Tatiana. Ketika harus membuat sepatu untuk pernikahan Tatiana, Cindy bertemu dengan Patrick, si playboy yang suka mempermainkan wanita. Awalnya Cindy tak mau meladeni playboy tampan itu, hingga akhinya dia lu…
Dosa Lisan yang Setara Dosa Tertinggi Riba _*"Riba yang paling buruk adalah menjelek-jelekkan kehormatan saudaranya sesama muslim."*_ _*(HR. Ath-Thabrani)*_ Melihat aib atau keburukan orang lain adalah ujian. Namun justru begitu banyak orang yang mudah tergelincir untuk menikmati dan menyebarkannya sebagai bahan obrolan, menjatuhkan kehormatan, tanpa peduli besarnya azab yang d…
This engineering textbook is designed to introduce advanced control systems for vehicles, including advanced automotive concepts and the next generation of vehicles for ITS. For each automotive control problem considered, the authors emphasize the physics and underlying principles behind the control system concept and design. This is an exciting and rapidly developing field for which many artic…